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Hi-Desert Swim Team

An announcement of a canceled swim meet, with details about a small local event to acknowledge sponsors.






High Desert Park and Recreation is pleased to announce its union with Hi-Desert Swim Team!!   All registration and fee's will be added to this page and ran through park and rec.  Registration will be listed in April and end in May.  The season usually beings in the middle of June and will end on the last day of July.  We compete with local teams in Prineville, Lakeview, Burns and a District Meet.  A parent meeting will be held on groups classifications day and that will be sent out with information through email prior to practice starting.  Please follow our Highdesertparkandrec Facebook page as it is always the quickest updated page in regards to all Park and Rec activites.  

Fees: $75 club Fee

Swim USA : $40 Fee to compete in meets (if you have a diving child, even if not competing they will need to be a USA swim member for insurance purposes)

 We will still be a completly voltuneer basis program and will still need as much support and volunterism as we have had in previous years. There will still be a seperate swim team board to cast and vote decisions, if this is something you are interested in or even signing up to help lead one of the many jobs for the Swim Meet we would enjoy meeting with you!  The next Swim Team meeting is March 13th at 5:30pm in the Park and Rec office 763 Ponderosa Village. See you this summer! 


Group A Evening Practices with Earl Morris: 5-7pm *Group can successfully swim all 4 strokes, oldest group of swim team members

Group C Morning Practices with Kylie Murphy: Oldest kids 8-8:30am *2-3-year Swimmers successfully swimming strokes (backstroke and free style and learning breaststroke and butterfly) mostly on their own, able to swim the length of the pool

:2nd year swimmers 8:30am-9am Swimmers must be starting to swim 5-10 feet with face in the water, push off the wall into a superman position.

: Brand New Swimmers 9am-9:30am jump in unassisted, putting face into water, stand up in the pool and successfully follow directions. 4 years and older.